Tuesday, July 5, 2016

An UFO With Seven Dragon Balls...

If you ever seen an UFO with a plasma propulsion supporting it,

it is likely that the plasma ball is spinning in a up-down direction instead of horizontally.  This direction creates lifts that provide for anti-gravity.

In a similar way, a missile that proposes to generate lift and velocity with a ball of fire, is best also spinning the ball of fire in a plane parallel to its direction of travel.  Changing the axis of this plane of spin, changes the direction of travel.  Vectoring.

It is the velocity along a circular path of the plasma in the interior of the containment of the fire ball that is \(v_s\), the spin velocity developed in the previous posts "Spinning Plasma" and "Spinning Plasma" dated 05 and 04 Jul 2016, respectively.

Unlike a jet engine, the spinning dragon ball is contained not open ended.  No hot material is lost from the fire ball.