Sunday, July 10, 2016

Increasing Light Speed

Please refer to the later post "No Sustained "Bood" dated 14 Jul 2016.  No oscillations.
In the post "Energy Accounting With Fourier" dated 08 Jul 2016, it was proposed that \(E\) itself has speed \(c\) that varies in a sinusoidal, 


When \(E\) is above light speed in lapses into the time dimension.  \(E\) is Fourier transformed 

\(E\overset{Fourier}{\longrightarrow }B\)

to \(B\).

If this is the case, the average light speed, \(c_{ave}\)



It is likely that when we measure light speed by observing \(E\) or \(B\),


we are measuring \(c_{ave}\) and not \(c_o\).  If \(c_{max}\) increases linearly with \(E\) then it might be possible to obtain \(c_o\), the true light speed, by extrapolating from varies values of \(c_{max}\) to the c-intercept when \(E=0\).

This might explain why \(c\) seems to increase with increasing \(E\).