Saturday, July 9, 2016

Phonetically Yours



and \(i\) that bends \(B\) to be normal to \(x\) the radial distance from a center, effectively making \(B\) go round in a circle.  \(B\) is tangential to the circle with radius \(x\).

Why does this work?  After making \(B\) into a circle by applying \(i\),


\(\because\)  \(t.c=x\) at light speed, \(c\)

which is a time derivative with the constant \(\cfrac{1}{c}\).  We applied a time derivative to \(E\) after bending it into a circle by applying \(i\).

The good news is, \(B\) is in the time dimension and affects a force in the space dimension by effecting time.  We may have \(B\) to affect time directly in the time dimension.  The bad news is, \(B\) is in the time dimension, to be affected by \(B\) we have to join \(B\) and go around in circles.  In which case, Lorentz's force is more important than it is.

Can the time force needed to manipulate time be in \(B\)?  Thick magnetic coating on the hull of a timecraft might provide the carrier containment or bounce needed when subjected to a \(B\) field to travel through time.  Which reminds me of the color of the UFO in the video "UFO Over Vasquez Rocks" found on Youtube.  Lodestone paint maybe.  Or just wrap yourselves in a big silver coil.

\(\psi\) phonetically sounds like the word "shit" in a local asian dialect.  Or "stuck" in another language.

Note: In the post "Magnetic Field In General, HuYaa" dated 13 Oct 2014,

\(B=-i\cfrac{\partial E}{\partial x^{'}}\)

\(x^{'}\) is tangential along \(B\).  In the expression above, \(x\) is along \(E\).  Both expression are equivalent.  In the case of,

\(B=-i\cfrac{\partial E}{\partial x^{'}}\)

the perspective is with the dipole/particle observing the orientation of \(B\) with reference to \(E\).  In the case of,

\(\cfrac{\partial B}{\partial\,t}=-i\cfrac{\partial E}{\partial x^{'}}\)

the perspective is at a fixed location in space, away from the dipole/particle, observing \(B\) and \(E\) at the fixed location.