Thursday, July 7, 2016

Particle \(FM\) Radio

It was proposed in the post "Sticky Particles..." dated 23 Jun 2016, that at \(a_{\psi\,c}\) \(\psi\) returns to the time dimension.  It exits from time dimension and return to the space dimension on the outer surface of the particle where \(\dot{x}=c\)...

If \(\psi\) carries information then entanglement as understood, can occur if \(\psi\) is returned to the surface of another particle in close proximity in time.

This however is non specific, not two particles are specifically entangled.

Since we are dealing with \(a_{\psi}\lt a_{\psi\,\pi}\),


and the exit point \(a_{\psi\,ex}\) at the interior of the particle,

\(\cfrac{1}{4\pi a_{\psi\,ex}^2}\cfrac{q|_{a_\psi\,ex}}{\varepsilon_o}=-F_{\rho}|_{a_{\psi\,ex}}.\dot{x}\)

where \(F_{\rho}|_{a_{\psi\,ex}}\) explicitly points in the negative \(x\) direction.

And the rate of change of \(F_{\rho}\), \(\cfrac{d F_{\rho}}{dt}\),

\(\cfrac{d F_{\rho}}{dt}=-\cfrac{dF_{\rho}}{dt}.\dot{x}+\cfrac{d\dot{x}}{dt}F_{\rho}\)

For the time being,



\(\cfrac{d F_{\rho}}{dt}=-\cfrac{d\dot{x}}{dt}F_{\rho}|_{a_{\psi\,ex}}\)

We can change \(\dot{x}\) through the spin of the particle.  \(\dot{x}\) is always relative to space around the particle.

\(\cfrac{d F_{\rho}}{dt}\) acts to counter the spin at the surface of the particle and if and when \(\psi\) returns to the space dimension on the surface of another particle, induces a opposite spin on that particle.

From the post "A Mass In Time And In Mind" dated 04 Jul 2016,


\(\cfrac{dF_{\rho}}{dt}\) is a force on a mass \(\cfrac{1}{c}\) in the time dimension  (equivalent to \(m\) in the space dimension).

Entanglement here is made specific by creating two or more particles at the same time and thus be in close proximity in time.

If we modulate \(\dot{x}\) then we have a particle \(FM\) radio, because changing \(\dot{x}\) changes the frequency of \(\psi\).  If spin is difficult to detect then,


offers a direct way for detection as the second order time derivative of kinetic energy, \(KE\).

Note: Claude E. Shannon, Information is "entropy".  Information is energy need to wait...