Thursday, May 5, 2016

Where \(E\)lephants Can Fly

Since a negative particle in spin produces a different field from a positive particle in spin,

It is best then,

\(g=\cfrac{\tau_{go}}{4\pi}\cfrac{T^{-}v_{\small{T}}\times \hat{r}}{r^2}\)

that we differentiate \(\tau_o\) into \(\tau_{go} \) the resistance to \(T^{-}\) in spin establishing a \(g\) field and \(\tau_{\small{E}o}\)  the resistance to \(T^{+}\) in spin establishing a \(E\) field, in free space.

\(E=\cfrac{\tau_{\small{E}o}}{4\pi}\cfrac{T^{+}v_{\small{T}}\times \hat{r}}{r^2}\)

Similarly for gravity particles, \(G_{\small{B}o}\) for positive gravity particle in spin and,  \(G_{\small{E}o}\) for negative particle in spin.

\(E=\cfrac{G_{\small{E}o}}{4\pi}\cfrac{g^{-}v_{\small{g}}\times \hat{r}}{r^2}\)


\(B=\cfrac{G_{\small{B}o}}{4\pi}\cfrac{g^{+}v_{\small{g}}\times \hat{r}}{r^2}\)

Remember that Earth is one big gravity particle from which we derived a gravitational resonance of \(\small{7.489\,\,Hz}\) from the post "Where's The Charge?" dated 15 Dec 2014.

It can be argued that, \(g^{+}\) nuclei constitute \(g^{+}\) matter on a \(g^{+}\) Earth with a cloud of \(g^{-}\) particles that spin eastwards to create a \(E\) field downwards at the North pole making it a negative electric potential.  This generated \(E\) field emanates from the South pole, making that place a positive electric potential.  The effect of spinning \(g^{+}\) particles are shielded by the cloud of \(g^{-}\) particles.

Just as \(p^{+}\) nuclei constitute \(p^{+}\) matter on a \(p^{+}\) Earth that is a store of \(e^{-}\) charges on the surface.  An electric cable is grounded to remove its charges because electrons flow towards Earth as the surface of Earth is a store of \(e^{-}\) particles.  These \(e^{-}\) particles spins eastwards as Earth's spin and generate a \(B\) field emanates from the South poles and penetrates into The North pole.

And so we can postulate that, \(T^{+}\) nuclei constitute \(T^{+}\) matter on a \(T^{+}\) Earth that a cloud of \(T^{-}\) particles envelop.  Which can explain why temperature drops as we gain altitude; as we move away from the \(T^{+}\) particles in Earth's core and ascend into the \(T^{-}\) cloud that surrounds Earth.  As these \(T^{-}\) particles spins, they generate an \(g\) field out of the South pole and into the North pole.  It is expected then that the South pole has less gravity than the North pole.

The logic used here appeals to the big picture where two or more facts stand in parallel to be taken as a whole leading to a further point in its deduction.

If Earth is also a big temperature particle,

\(f=n\cfrac{c}{2\pi a_{\psi}}\)

\(a_{\psi}=6371\,\,km\)  for Earth's radius, and



then there is a temperature wave around Earth resonating at \(\small{7.489\,\,Hz}\).

The flying toaster toaster resonating at  \(\small{7.489\,\,Hz}\) from the post "Flying Toaster" dated 19 Aug 2014, is interacting with the \(T\) field (temperature field) of Earth directly and not its gravitational field, \(g\).

In a similar way, a pulsating \(E\) field at  \(\small{7.489\,\,Hz}\) will also fly because Earth is also one big \(p^{+}\) particle.

And that how \(E\)lephants fly.

Note:  \(T\) is synonymous with \(B\), for the time being.  BUT, given that Earth's spin creates a \(T\) field going into the North pole (spinning \(e^{-}\) particles that creates a \(B\) field going into the North pole) then a stream of negative temperature will flow away from the North pole, southwards.  An accumulation of negative temperature particles at the South pole will make that place colder.  Which is the case measured; the South pole is much colder than the North pole.  The thick sheet of ice on which the South pole sits is the result of colder temperature and not the cause of colder temperature.