Thursday, May 26, 2016

A Shield Forming...Heat Dispersion

If the temperature particles are interacting as waves, what is the difference between a \(B\) field and a \(T\) field?  Moving electron generates a \(B\) field.  The field around a temperature particle is a \(T\) field.  Which points us the the magic value \(\pi\).

Temperature particles interact within \(2\pi\) range of the force density, \(F_{\rho}\).  This is the \(T\) field.  \(B\) field is interaction beyond the \(2\pi\) range centered about zero.  \(B\) and \(T\) fields are the same \(F_{\rho}\) but are at different ranges.

Within  the respective ranges,  force density \(F_{\rho}\) is such that,

\(F_{\rho}\ge0\),   \(\cfrac{\partial F_{\rho}}{\partial\,x}=+ve\) and \(\cfrac{\partial^2F_{\rho}}{\partial\,x^2}=-ve\)

make like particle attract each other.  And

\(F_{\rho}\gt0\),   \(\cfrac{\partial F_{\rho}}{\partial\,x}=0\) and \(\cfrac{\partial^2F_{\rho}}{\partial\,x^2}=0\)

make like particle repel each other. (To interpret the graphs, place yourself on the resultant curves at the center of each particle and move towards zero force density. If the distance between the particles increases, they repel each other.  When the distance between them decreases as they move towards \(F_{\rho}=0\) they attract each other.)

Notice that when two similar particles coalesce, the point along \(F_{\rho}\) where \(\cfrac{\partial^2F_{\rho}}{\partial\,x^2}=0\) starts is pushed further along \(x\), the distance from the center of the particles, by the separation between the centers of the coalesced particles.

A big particle has a wider range over which it interacts as a wave.

Temperature particles exist naturally as coalesces of many particles that behave over long distances as a wave, in a \(T\) field.

A \(B\) field will not drive a temperature particle as expected because the \(B\) field is within the range in which the particle behaves as wave.  A \(B\) field will attract a \(T^{+}\) particle (moving opposite to the field direction) and repel a \(T^{-}\) particle (moving along its pointed direction).  When a negative particle and the positive \(B\) field is far enough apart and the \(T^{-}\) particle is beyond its \(2\pi\) range, it then will experience a force in the opposite direction.  The particle is retarded and will return to the positive \(B\) field.  This setup the particle to oscillate about the wave particle boundary.  A similar situation arise with a positive particle and a negative field.  In both cases, the particle is held oscillating at a distance from the field source.  Many such particles will form a shield.

A big particle has to be broken up first to interact with a field.  A field at the correct frequency may do just that...  After which, the individual particles are sent oscillating at a distance to form a shield.  If the field is switch off the particles will disperse at a distance.