Monday, May 16, 2016

Specific "Heat" Capacity

If two \(T^{+}\) are held by each paired orbit, then when the body starts to accumulate \(T^{+}\) particles,

\(C_p=N_A.2*T^{+}.n_p\) "heat" per mole

where \(N_A\) is Avogadro constant,  \(n_p\) is the the number of outer paired orbits of the atom.

It is assume that a single orbit does not acquire a \(T^{+}\) particle and that the inner paired orbit does not acquire any \(T^{+}\).

\(C_{p\small{T}}=2N_A.n_p\)  "heat" per mole per \(T^{+}\)

Heat capacity is just twice the count of outer paired orbits, \(n_p\) multiplied by Avogadro constant, \(N_A\).

This is after the negative \(T^{-}\) particles have been driven away.  The negative particles in the \(T^{-}\) cloud are not associated with any specific orbits.  But their numbers match the Atomic number of the element involved, when the nucleus follows the basic \((g^{+},T^{+},p^{+})\) particle sequence.  One \(T^{+}\) for each \(p^{+}\) particle.  \(T^{+}\) in the nucleus does not acquire a \(T^{-}\) particle because that would negate the weak field it generates that holds a \(p^{+}\),

\(C_n=N_A*|T^{-}|.N_a\) "heat" per mole

where \(N_a\) is the atomic number.

\(C_{n\small{T}}=N_A.N_a\) "heat" per mole per \(T^{-}\)

If a body holds negative temperature particles, \(C_n\) first applies then when all the negative particles have been removed, \(C_p\) applies.  This body has two "heat" capacity values.

In these cases, "heat" is the change in the number of temperature particles.  The rate of change of "heat" is the change in number of temperature particle per unit time (temperature particle flow).  Temperature current are for real.  As for temperature current transistors, tomorrow.

Even if this dream is a nightmare, I'll soon forget.   "Only your enemy can give you the advantage." - Sun Tze