Monday, May 9, 2016

Emmy Noether II

From the post "Emmy Noether" dated 6 Jul 2015,

Consider again energy \(mv^2\) imparted onto a particle, a portion, \(p\) of which is loss due to entanglement,


Since this particles exist in the time dimension \(t\), and are travelling along time \(t\), the hypothetical force resulting in \(E_{loss}\) is given by,






At terminal velocity \(v=c\), the total force on the particle is zero,


this implies,


The portion \(p\) of energy loss is,


which is,


This is essentially the results are before.

If the particles are uniform, all have a fractional entanglement of \(p\), then the total number of particle entangled is, \(N\)


But if the particles are not uniformly distributed, but Gaussian

but we adjust the total population of the random variable \(p_x\) as,


Each instance of \(p_x\), in the Gaussian distribution represents entanglement between two particles, so


This is the total population of \(p_x\) along one direction, the total population of \(p_x\) in a sphere, in 3D space is,

\(A_v=\cfrac{4}{3}\pi (N_{\small{G}})^3=\cfrac{4}{3}\pi(2N.\sigma\sqrt{2\pi})^3\)


But what is \(\sigma\)??

If  \(A_v\) is the Avogadro's constant in \(kg\) then,


in \(1000g\).  So,


where \(N=2c\)


What is the significant of \(\sigma\)?  Firstly, \(0\le p_x\le1\) but \(p\lt \sigma\), the spread of \(p_x\) is within
one standard deviation, \(1\sigma\).  More correctly, Gaussian is a bad fit for the distribution of \(p_x\), Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution or Poisson distribution would be considered next.

Win some, Lose some.