Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Whole Particles Creation And Quantum Splits

From the post "Missed Something..." dated 12 Apr 2016, electrons are created.  As an electron in higher energy orbit is relaxed, it transit to a lower energy orbit and emits a packet of energy that is the difference in energy between the higher and lower orbits.

The requirement for integer number of wavelengths in stable valid orbits guarantees that this packet of energy emitted, forms into whole particles, because,

\(n\lambda=2\pi a_{\psi}\)


Please refer to the post "\(\psi\) All Over The Place" dated 14 Jul 2015 and post "de Broglie Per Person" dated 20 Dec 2014,

\(E=hf=mc^2.n\)  with \(c=f\lambda\) where \(n\) is an integer,

Energy difference from a higher orbit, \(m\) to a lower orbit, \(n\) where \(m\gt n\) ,

\(\Delta E=mc^2(m-n)\)

This is an integer multiple of \(mc^2\), thus in general, when the photon slows down in the respective field (\(E\) field for \(P_{e^{-}}\) photon), integer multiple of the particles are created.

Do the particles exist as an coalesce, one big particle of multiple magnitude or do the particles split into individuals immediately?

The particle is one with multiple magnitude.  This answers the question posted on "Heavy Electrons" dated 17 Jul 2015, how do we make heavy electron?

The big particle can split via Quantum tunneling from the post "Two Quantum Wells, Quantum Tunneling, \(v_{min}\)" dated 19 Jul 2015, where from the beginning it is about a particle orbiting in the \(\psi\) of another particle of the same type, transiting to a higher orbit by itself.   At the higher orbit the particles are further apart and thus one big particle splits.