Friday, April 8, 2016

Charge Accounting, Free Orbits, Nuclei Shielding And Captions

A single positive and negative particle balanced (one of each, filled), unpaired orbit still has weak fields.  These field holds the next layer of the nucleus together.  A filled, paired orbit however, do not have weak fields.  It can no longer hold the next particle for the nucleus.  The interior of the nucleus therefore cannot hold negative particles, not for all paired orbits.  There must be non zero resultant weak fields at the lower layer to hold particles on the next layer.

We are then left with a negative-positive particle imbalance.  If we confine ourselves to electrons and protons, then the nucleus is positively charged.  For a neutral atom, free negative charges orbit around the nucleus beyond the positive particle orbits.

Since within the nucleus there are positively filled paired orbits with weak fields that attract negative particles, it is possible such fields reach beyond the the outer layer and are responsible for the force holding the free negative particles in orbits.  However,

Field lines will tend to terminate on the respective particles, a paired orbit with both negative and positive particles will shield any field lines from reaching beyond the paired orbit.  This shielding confines radiated energy within the outer paired orbits and is responsible for preventing the inner orbits from collapsing.

In general, free negative particles orbits around the nucleus as expected.

How does then, Sodium, \(Na\) looses an electron and be \(Na^{+}\)?

Simple, but as always twisted.  The single unpaired orbit of Sodium does not provide adequate shielding.  The positive end of the weak fields from positively filled, paired orbits (the same fields that hold the positive particles in orbit, not the weak fields of the immediate orbiting positive particles) reaches outwards beyond the outer layer and attracts a corresponding negative particle.  The negative particle orbits around the nucleus closer than the outer layer.  This layer of negative particles lifts the potential of the single negative particle in the outer orbit and this particle leaves readily.  When the negative particle is ejected, \(Na^{+}\) is formed.

Inadequate shielding of the \(Ne\) nucleus draws the ten free orbiting electrons closer and, shielding due to these ten electrons pushes the single outer shell electron further away.

Would the ten electrons be draw into the paired orbits?  No, the directed weak field that holds the positive particle and draws the negative particle are from a inner layer.  This field is weaken as the orbit pairs up.  An unpaired orbit will attract a negative particle to its positive end more readily.  The weak field generated by the immediate orbiting positive particle is an orthogonal field and do not interact with the negative particle.  In the case of \(p^{+}\), the field generated is a \(g\) field and do attract an \(e^{-}\).

In general, all atoms with an inner electron cloud that pushes outer orbital electrons to higher potentials tend to ionize and be captions.

Next stop anions...Mind the gap!

Notes: filled orbit: both negative and positive particles in the orbit.
           positively filled orbit: only positive particles in the orbit.
           paired orbits: two orbits in parallel, very close, filled or positively filled.
           unpaired orbits: one orbit, filled or positively filled.