Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Mass Of Particle

Which get us to the difficult part, if ONLY \(g\) particles interacts with the gravitational field, what is \(m_e\) associated with a \(e^{-}\) particle?  A

(\(g^{+}\), \(T^{+}\), \(e^{-}\))

particle would be as heavy as a neutron!  Strictly speaking, an electron can only be moved by an electric force in an electric field and not by any physical force,

\(F\ne m_ea\)

But consider,

\(F_E=\cfrac{q_1q_2}{4\pi \varepsilon_o r^2}\)   and,

\(V_E=\cfrac{q_1q_2}{4\pi \varepsilon_o r}\)

\(\cfrac{d\,V_E}{dt}=\cfrac{q_1q_2}{4\pi \varepsilon_o r^2}.-1.\cfrac{d\,r}{dt}=F_E.-1.\cfrac{d\,r}{dt}\)

The minus sign indicates that potential energy decreases in the direction of increasing \(r\).  But the Newtonian force and the associated power is,

\(P=F.v=ma.v\)  we have also assume that mass is time invariant here



where along a field line, \(v=\cfrac{d\,r}{dt}\), it is then possible that,

\(F_E=ma\) --- (*)

that is to say, in an electric field, it is possible to associate the product of a mass and an acceleration with the electric force, if we let \(v=\cfrac{d\,r}{dt}\) to be along a field line.  This however is valid only in an electric field, where \(r\) is valid and we are moving along \(r\) a electric field line.  Devoid of an electric field expression (*) is not valid.

Consider now,

\(\cfrac{d\,F_E}{dt}=\cfrac{q_1q_2}{4\pi \varepsilon_o r^3}.-2.\cfrac{d\,r}{dt}=F_E.-2.\cfrac{1}{r}\cfrac{d\,r}{dt}=F_E.-2.\cfrac{d\,ln(r)}{d\,t}\)


If we asume that \(\cfrac{d\,m}{dt}=0\), then,



\(ln(a)=ln(r^{-2})+lnA\)  where \(ln(A)\) is constant of integration,


If \(A=\cfrac{1}{m}\cfrac{q_1q_2}{4\pi\varepsilon_o}\)

we once again obtain a consistent expression for \(F_E\) and so \(V_E\).  In arriving at this expression, we have assumed,


that this, the associated mass \(m\), is time invariant.  So, calculations for \(r\) along a field line using,


\(m\) being a constant will give us the consistent answers for \(r\) and \(V_E\), given \(F_E\).

As such, it is possible to associate masses, \(m_e\) and \(m_p\) with the particles \(e^{-}\) and \(p^{+}\) respectively, but only in an electric field and all motions are restricted to be along the field lines.


the weight of an electron, is strictly absurd.