Friday, April 8, 2016

Too Many, Some New...

The problem with such a nucleus construction scheme is that there are too many elements that proton or the opposite particle, electron, the configurations of which can account for.

Nor is the interaction between elements solely electron-proton.  All other negative-positive particle pair can interact and present a new type of chemistry;  gravity particle chemistry and temperature particle chemistry.

Luckily, just before you throw away your textbooks,

in this model opposite particles creates orthogonal fields, not opposite fields when they spin.  When two opposite particles in parallel orbits are brought closer, they form a dipole.  Their static fields reduce towards zero outside of the confine of the orbit, but they generate weak fields that do not cancels.  If these particles are charges are they radiating EMW?

When the opposite particles forms a dipole and spins, their weak fields do not cancel.  When another dipole is brought closer and place inverted to cancel with the first.  The static field around the paired orbit is further reduced towards zero.  No significant wave propagate through the static field.  But do the weak fields doubles?

The key to this is the spinning \(E\) field across the dipole (in the case of electron and proton).