Friday, April 8, 2016

Cloud Nine

Where is the electron cloud with respect to paired orbit shielding?

The paired orbits acquire their filled electron.  The nucleus just below has a net negative particle imbalance.  In order not to interfere with the weak fields holding protons at the outer layer, it is likely that the electron clouds be below the spinning \(T^{+}\) particles.

A filled paired orbit does not generate a weak field.  A filled outer orbit shell ends the nucleus layers.  Neither \(g^{-}\) and \(T^{-}\) particles fill their respective positive orbits.  To balance the nucleus both type of negative particles exist as clouds around the nucleus.  For the case of the nucleus set (\(g^{+}\),\(T^{+}\), \(p^{+}\)),  \(T^{-}\) particle cloud exist just outside of the \(p^{+}\) orbital shell and \(g^{-}\) particle cloud is just outside of the \(T^{+}\) orbital shell.  This is such that the negative particle clouds do not interfere with the weak fields that hold the next layer of the nucleus.

Cloud nine is mental.  Good night.

Note:  Can the electron cloud be beyond \(p^{+}\) shell?  No, the cloud will then interfere with bond formations discussed thus far.  Why is it possible that the electron cloud drop below the \(p^{+}\) shell?  The \(p^{+}\) orbits in the outer shell can acquire their filled electron to balance the charge.  They do not need to hold a next higher layer shell.