Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Missed Something...


\(P_{e^{-}}\rightarrow e^{-}\), when the photon slows down in space in a electric field, energy is conserved, light speed in space convert to light speed in \(t_c\) without loss.  The particle with light speed along \(t_c\) is an electron, \(e^{-}\).  Energy to matter conversion,


as part of photoelectric effect when the photon slows in the opposing electric field.  If the stopping field is reversed no current is detected because no energy to matter conversion occurs.


the electron is detected as a current and a stopping voltage quantify its kinetic energy \(KE\).

Which answers the question, where did the ejected electron come from?  The electron was created as energy, a photon, and as the photon slows in the opposing electric field, it is converted to matter, an electron.  Furthermore,


where \(h\) is Planck's constant.

\(m_e=\cfrac{h}{\lambda c}\)

\(m_e=\cfrac{\hbar}{a_{\psi} c}\)  --- (*)

where \(\lambda=2\pi a_\psi\) from the post "\(\psi\) All Over The Place" dated 14 Jul 2015. \(a_\psi\) is the radius of a sphere containing \(\psi\) of the electron.

Note:  In (*), \(m_e\) is mass density instead of mass.  \(\frac{\hbar}{ c}\) can be interpreted as the total mass density of the particle to be spread along a radius \(a_{\psi}\).  Mass density arises because we considered point particles of no dimension.  Point particles have one dimension in time, they either exist or don't.  However, as a point in space, point particle has mass density.