Friday, April 8, 2016

Dipoles Again!

None of the musings put forth here have been proven true.

There is a significance to the two opposing dipoles in orbit...

Remember posts "All Creatures Great and Small" and "Just Lots of Colors, Retro Disco" both dated 21 May 2014, where photons are modeled as dipoles and their resonance derived.  The post "Background = Most Pervasive = Resonnace" dated 13 Apr 2014 where space was in resonance and was modeled like a spring;  \(k_{space}\), the spring constant for space was derived (although it is equally possible that the peak in microwave radiation background is due to the source).

It could be that, this is the original dipole that case its shadow everywhere,

the dipole that resides in the orbit around the nucleus.  This is the dipole that photons in photoelectric effects phenomenon interact with.  This is the dipole that generates photons.

Photons are energy shadows from this dipole.  This suggests, one of the ways to obtain energy from particles it to form a dipole of that type of particle and, squeeze and ease.  In resonance the dipole will emit high energy photons.

What are the nature of photons from a (\(g^{-}\), \(g^{+}\)) dipole,  (\(T^{-}\), \(T^{+}\)) dipole and, a ( \(e^{-}\), \(p^{+}\)) dipole that is consistent with the model of particles here?