Friday, April 8, 2016

Where \(B\) Orbits Is

From Einstein's photoelectric effects, the post "Miss e- Miss e- Not" dated 04 Jun 2014,

we updated ourselves that a passing photon in a helical path squeeze an orbiting electron in a paired parallel orbit.  The electron is brought close to the proton on the other orbit, \(d\) the distance between the orbits reduces.  Previous calculations for atomic radius that was much smaller than measured atomic radius was actually for \(d\), the orbital separation.

Does the photoelectric effect apply to the electron cloud under the paired orbits?  Yes, but at lower frequency, in the infra-red region.

Paired orbit is also the origin of \(B\) orbit that could explain away ultraviolet catastrophe.  Unpaired orbit actually produces ultraviolet catastrophe, but few in numbers they leave a faint signature on most experimental data.