Saturday, April 30, 2016

Particle Spectra Lines, Who's Flashing

From the post "Sizing Them Up" dated 3 Dec 2014,

\(a_{\psi}\) (nm) f (GHz) \(\lambda\) (nm)
19.34 2466067.5 121.56701
16.32 2922728.6 102.5728
15.48 3082568.8 97.2541
14.77 3230699.3 92.79

One spectra line indicates the presence of two particles, one positive holding another negative particle in orbit. The spectra line is the result of a transition of the negative particle in the field of the corresponding type, from a higher to lower energy level.

The following diagram shows a driving force at a frequency \(f_d\), \(n\) integer times less than the system's natural frequency \(f_o\), being applied to the system.

The system is driven in phase repeatedly after every \(n\) cycle.  It is still driven to resonance as long as \(n\) is an integer.

This means a force at frequency one million times less than 2466067.5 GHz, ie

\(f_d=\cfrac{f_o}{n}=2.46 GHz\)


will still drive the system into resonance and expel the  orbiting negative particle.  This is the microwave frequency used in an microwave oven.  This suggests that the particle being driven off is a negative temperature particle.  The remaining positive temperature particle at the nuclei is the reason that food heats up in a microwave oven.  (A sponge cake can catch fire in an microwave oven suggests that something else other than agitated water is responsible for oven's heating effect.  It is negative temperature particles being ejected from the material leaving behind positive temperature particles that causes temperature to rise.)

But there are four spectra lines and only three particles?  The last two lines are from electron-proton pair in the outer most shell.  At outermost shell the orbit pair can split into two unpaired orbit each at a higher energy level than when paired.  The data set,

\(a_{\psi}\) (nm)f (GHz)\(\lambda\) (nm)

is due to an unpaired electron-proton orbit.  The data set,

\(a_{\psi}\) (nm)f (GHz)\(\lambda\) (nm)

is due to a paired electron-proton orbit that requires more energy for energy level transition.

The existence of one other possible electron positions within the paired orbit configurations indicates the origin of double spectra lines and/or triple spectra lines.

The data set,

\(a_{\psi}\) (nm)f (GHz)\(\lambda\) (nm)

is then from a gravity particle pair.  Driving off a negative gravity particle, results in an increase in gravitational potential.

It is not possible that an outer paired orbit unpairs without the lower shell also unpairing.  If they do unpair correspondingly, then spectra lines due to the inner shell particles will also split into double lines or triple lines.

Have a nice day.