Thursday, April 7, 2016

Free to Lift Reactor, Recycle

There is another solution to counter \(g^{+}\) particles, that is to let the reactor float and allow the particles to be conducted away at the top.

Without being attached at the bottom the reactor will not tear as it is lifted up.

Elements, boron has one pair orbit and one unpaired orbit, silver has one unpaired orbit, indium has one pair orbit and one unpaired orbit, and cadmium has one unpaired orbit.  All these elements have a relatively uncrowded valence shell.  The outer \(p^{+}\) particles in orbits generate a weak \(g\) field that will attract \(g^{+}\) particles.  These \(g^{+}\) particles are neutralized by \(g^{-}\) particles.  When \(g^{-}\) particles are in spin they generate weak \(E\) fields that are attracted to a higher absolute potential (since the weak fields are a directed fields and the particles are free to rotate, either positive or negative  \(E\) field will attract them but it must be a stronger field).  The elements are also conductive of electricity in order that a high potential be established for the flow of \(g^{-}\) particles into the reactor core to neutralize the \(g^{+}\) absorbed.  This is to reduce swelling as the rods absorb \(g^{+}\) particles.  Since only spinning \(g^{-}\) particles move towards a high potential,

the control rod should have a spin to induce similar motion on the passing particles.

\(g^{+}\) particles in spin generate a \(T\)/\(B\) field.  A strong magnet will attract the particles and extract them from the control rods.  Heat can first separate the two opposite particles and then the positive and negative gravity particles sent into spins by a spinning magnetic field, \(B\) and a spinning electric field, \(E\) respectively.  The particles are attracted/separated by strong \(B\) and \(E\) fields, one at each end of the rod.

Both positive and negative \(g\) particles are removed from the rod.