Sunday, March 20, 2016

When Time Is Slow With A Big Brinjal

If it is possible that as the axes of the wave reshuffle, the oscillatory component of the wave be swapped with a time dimension along which the wave is at light speed.  Then,

A wave at low speed but high oscillating energy

it is possible to create a particle of high energy (oscillating between a time dimension and a space dimension) but low speed, (\(v\lt c\)) along a time dimension.

If this wave is able to accelerate to light speed along a time dimension  (\(t_g\) in the example above) what would the mechanism be?

Does the circular/spherical wave collapse to a lower radius till it gain light speed?  (The momentum of the created particle remained unchanged in space.)  This, surprisingly, coincides with the post "My Dream, Time Travel And Temperature Particles" dated 7 Dec 2014, where it was suggested that a collapsing \(\psi\) creates a time force.

Such particles will provide a glimpse of the time dimension at low speed \(v\lt c\).  If at this time, \(t_c\) and \(t_g\) were to swap again, in the example above,  the particle is sent back in time with time speed \(v\lt c\).