Sunday, March 27, 2016

Hydrogen Gas

And behold, after much thought, the Hydrogen element, \(H\),

of the lightest Type II nucleus.  The electron is attracted to the outermost proton, it is not spinning under the influence of the \(E\) field generated by the spinning \(T^{+}\) particle.

And the weak fields around the nucleus is simplified to an triplet corner,

as each of the weak field emerge parallel to the axis of rotation of the previous orbiting particle which is along a diameter of the orbit of the previous particle.  Two consecutive weak fields are orthogonal.

This \(E\) field however can be attracted to the electron around another charge neutral hydrogen nucleus.  The geometry of their union however, depends on the interaction of all three weak fields.

The opposing \(E\) fields keeps the nuclei apart, the two \(g\) fields in parallel doubles its mass under gravity, and the aligned \(B\) fields result in a weak resultant magnetic field around the molecule.

Along the \(E\) fields the nuclei behave as particles, the weak fields are attracted to the electron around the other hydrogen nucleus.  Along the \(g\) fields the nuclei behave as waves and merged in parallel.  Along the \(B\) fields, alignment suggests that the axes of particles' spins are parallel and that the particles spin in the same sense.  This requires minimum energy.

The presence of weak fields around the nucleus that can be rotated, aligned and made to cancel (opposing spins) or add (parallel spins), provides explanations to other characteristics of a molecule such as bond angle, magnetic properties and dipoles.

Have a nice day...

Note: We have not included \(g^{-}\) and \(T^{-}\) particles in this model for Hydrogen.