Sunday, March 27, 2016

Stable, Unstable, All Mental

Oh no, these are all stable isotopes,

(\(T^+\), \(p^+\))


(\(g^+\), \(T^+\), \(p^+\))

(\(T^+\), \(p^+\), \(g^+\))  and  (\(T^+\), \(p^+\), \(g^+\), \(T^+\))

(\(p^+\), \(g^+\))  and  (\(p^+\), \(g^+\), \(T^+\))

(\(g^+\), \(T^+\), \(p^+\), \(g^+\))  and  (\(g^+\), \(T^+\), \(p^+\), \(g^+\), \(T^{+}\))

the spins of \(p^{+}\) particles do not contribute to the mass of the nuclei, only the presence of \(g^{+}\) particle.  In which case, hydrogen isotopes have zero mass, mass of one \(g^{+}\) and the mass of two \(g^{+}\).  The relative abundance of these stable isotopes give rise to the decimals in hydrogen mass that can not be factored.

The notion of \(p^{+}\) having mass \(g^{+}\) is the result of having to add the tuple (\(g^+\), \(T^+\), \(p^+\)) to any nucleus ending with a \(p^{+}\) particle in the cyclic permutation set.  The tuple must contain a \(g^{+}\) particle.  Such an array of stable isotopes with different positions of \(p^{+}\) in the nucleus may also add to the decimal points in experimental isotope mass measurements, if the weak \(g\) field generated by the spinning \(p^{+}\) particles also contribute to mass.  What about spins?  Spins seem to be associated with \(g^{+}\) particles only.

Unstable nuclei are not any members of the cyclic permutation set.  For example,

(\(3g^+\), \(T^+\), \(p^+\))

(\(T^+\), \(p^+\), \(3g^+\))  and  (\(T^+\), \(p^+\), \(3g^+\), \(T^+\))

(\(p^+\), \(3g^+\))  and  (\(p^+\), \(3g^+\), \(T^+\))

are all Hydrogen-3, \(^3H\) with spin \(\small{\cfrac{1}{2}}^{+}\); the group \(3g^{+}\) spins as one.  What about \(^3H\) with \(2^{-}\) spin?

What is \(g^{+}\) and how can it transmute to a charge?

The time axes, \(t_g\) and \(t_c\) of a \(g^{+}\) particle swapped.  The result is an electron that leaves the nucleus; \(\beta^-\) decay.

How does such a swap occurs?  'Til next time...