Monday, March 28, 2016

Reconsidering \(\beta^{-}\) Decay

Consider all the stable isotopes of hydrogen,

(\(T^+\), \(p^+\))


(\(g^+\), \(T^+\), \(p^+\))

(\(T^+\), \(p^+\), \(g^+\))  and  (\(T^+\), \(p^+\), \(g^+\), \(T^+\))

(\(p^+\), \(g^+\))  and  (\(p^+\), \(g^+\), \(T^+\))

(\(g^+\), \(T^+\), \(p^+\), \(g^+\))  and  (\(g^+\), \(T^+\), \(p^+\), \(g^+\), \(T^{+}\))

If \(\beta^{-}\) decay is still centered around \(g^{+}\) particles then the following scheme maybe possible,

Where a photon, \(P_{p^{+}}\) collides with a \(g^{+}\) particle.  The two time axes, \(t_c\) and \(t_g\) of \(g^{+}\) swapped and transmute it to a \(e^{-}\) particle which is ejected from the nucleus.  The photon slows down and becomes a proton, \(p^{+}\).  This proton merged with the lower or higher layer proton, \(p^{+}\) in the nucleus to give \(2p^{+}\). When the proton merged with  a higher particle, the falling particle will emit a small amount of energy.  For example,

(\(g^+\), \(T^+\), \(p^+\))\(\rightarrow\)(\(2p^{+}\)) + \(e^{-}\) + \(T^{+}\)

in this case, \(T^{+}\) is the electron anti-neutrino and the captured photons merge with a higher layer proton to give two protons.  Furthermore,

(\(T^+\), \(p^+\), \(g^+\))\(\rightarrow\)(\(T^{+}\), \(2p^{+}\)) + \(e^{-}\)

without the emission of an electron anti-neutrino.  And,

(\(T^+\), \(p^+\), \(g^+\), \(T^+\))\(\rightarrow\)(\(T^{+}\), \(2p^{+}\)) + \(e^{-}\) + \(T^{+}\)

with the emission of an electron anti-neutrino and the photons merged down one layer.

The set (\(T^+\), \(p^+\), \(g^+\)) arises from considering positive particles being captured by weak fields due to positive particle spins in the hydrogen nucleus.  It is a repeating series that occurs in the nuclei of other elements.  If this \(\beta^{-}\) decay scheme is true, it will also apply to all nuclei susceptible to such decays.

The \(T^{+}\) particle originates from the nucleus.  It is released as the weak field holding it disappeared when the spinning \(g^{+}\) particle generating the field is transmuted to a \(e^{-}\) particle after colliding with a photon.

Note: How does a photon slow down?  The time dimension wrap around a space dimension.  When the particle has light speed in space, its time speed is zero.  It is a photon.  When the photon slows down in space, its time speed increases towards light speed.  When its speed in space is zero, it becomes a particle, its speed along \(t_T\) is light speed, \(c\).