Sunday, March 27, 2016

And The Word "Creation"

\(T^{+}\)~\(T^{-}\) bondings result in solids, which is broken by the application of heat.  Free \(T^{-}\) particles disrupt \(T^{-}\) particle sharing between \(T^{+}\) particles, and break the bond.  As the \(T^{+}\)~\(T^{-}\) bonding are broken discretely, one at a time with temperature, the solid collapses beyond an abrupt threshold number of \(T^{+}\)~\(T^{-}\) bondings broken.  The pure solid melts at a sharp temperature.  With less \(T^{+}\)~\(T^{-}\) bondings, the lattice flows as a liquid.

With even higher temperature (more \(T^{+}\) particles), \(T^{-}\) particles in spin around a nucleus with more \(T^{+}\) particles, generates a greater \(g\) field.  These stronger \(g\) fields have a anti-gravity effect on the atoms/molecules.  They turn into the gaseous state.  The liquid boils.

The introduction of \(T^{-}\) can also occurs at low temperature. \(T^{+}\)~\(T^{-}\) bondings are also broken at low temperature and results in cracks in the solid.  For the solid to liquidize, the atoms/molecules must have increase buoyancy as the result of greater \(g\) field.  This occurs only with increasing temperature; ie. an abundance of \(T^{+}\) particles.

It is this ability of \(T^{-}\) particles in spin to generate \(g\) fields that allows them to influence nuclear reaction that involves only gravity particles.

We did not detect gravity and temperature particles directly, but we have been living with their effects since Creation.

There is it again, the word "Creation".  And again.

Note:  Increasing pressure increases the density of participating particles at the reaction site.  The secondary effects of increasing uni-directional \(g\) fields due to increased spins on reactions depend on the other factors.  The absorption of a free \(g^{-}\) particles is impeded in the inward direction of the \(g\) fields, but is increased in the outward direction of the field.  Orientation is one such factor.

With increasing \(g\) field, high temperature can eject a \(g^{-}\) particle from the nucleus.