Sunday, March 27, 2016

In Plain Sight...

From the Type II nucleus, the element Hydrogen, \(H\),

(\(g^+\), \(T^+\), \(p^+\))~\(e^{-}\)

But what are these?

From the Type I nucleus,

(\(p^+\), \(g^+\), \(T^+\))~\(T^{-}\)

From the Type III nucleus,

(\(T^+\), \(p^+\), \(g^+\))~\(g^{-}\)

May be all particle types must be paired, \(g^{+}\)~\(g^{-}\), \(T^{+}\)~\(T^{-}\) and \(p^{+}\)~\(e^{-}\)

And so, the Hydrogen element is actually,

(\(g^+\), \(T^+\), \(p^+\))~\(e^{-}\)~\(T^{-}\)~\(g^{-}\)

and the other isotopes are,

(\(p^+\), \(g^+\), \(T^+\))~\(T^{-}\)~\(g^{-}\)~\(e^{-}\)


(\(T^+\), \(p^+\), \(g^+\))~\(g^{-}\)~\(e^{-}\)~\(T^{-}\)

And where have \(T^{-}\) and \(g^{-}\) been hiding?