Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Alpha Decay

This is the Helium-4 \(^4He\) nucleus,

(\(g^+\), \(T^+\), \(p^+\), \(g^+\), \(T^{+}\), \(p^+\))

For large nuclei that are built up from the cyclic permutation set of positive particles based on weak force interactions, it is possible that,

(...\(p^+\), (\(g^+\), \(T^+\), \(p^+\), \(g^+\), \(T^{+}\), \(p^+\)), \(g^+\), \(T^{+}\)...)

a Helium-4 nucleus is embedded within the large nucleus.  When this group of particles are removed,

(...\(p^+\), \(g^+\), \(T^{+}\)...)

the large nucleus collapses to a well ordered nucleus set still.

Why would the series of particles be ejected?  This embedded nucleus is held in place by the weak fields produced by two spinning \(p^{+}\) particles, one at each ends.  If these weak fields are disrupted it is then possible to eject the embedded nucleus.

The simplest scenario by which this can happen without the involvement of outside particle/photon is for the weak fields to cancel each other at least partially.  This can happen as both particles' orbits are also spinning about their diameters.

When their orbital planes are parallel and their spins are in opposite directions, the weak fields they generate cancel partially.  The hold on the embedded helium-4 nucleus weakens on both ends.  Since, the inner particle generate a stronger field, the field at the outer particle (\(p^{+}\) on \(g^{+}\) outside of the \(^4He\) nucleus) can be reduced to zero first.  The remaining force at the inner end (\(p^{+}\) outside of the \(^4He\) nucleus, on \(g^{+}\)) pulls the \(^4He\) nucleus inwards towards the center of the large nucleus.  The \(^4He\) nucleus escape through the center of the larger nucleus.

The above happens over a range of distances from the center of the nucleus.  All nuclei with radii with this range of distances will alpha decay, ie radii of this range and bigger.

This is one way, purely speculative, how alpha decay can happen.  Have a nice day.

Note:  The mechanism of weak fields alignment and cancellation might also explain spontaneous fission where nucleus disintegrates into two or more smaller nuclei and other particles, and cluster decay where nucleus emits a specific type of smaller nucleus that is larger than an alpha particle.