Saturday, March 26, 2016

Hydrogen Isotopes

Does cyclic permutation of the layered nucleus accounts for isotopes in nature?  In the case of three layer nucleus involving all types of positive particles,

Type I (\(p^+\), \(g^+\), \(T^+\))

Type II (\(g^+\), \(T^+\), \(p^+\))

Type III (\(T^+\), \(p^+\), \(g^+\))

Outer layer orbits have larger radii that produce weaker weak fields.  So Type I nucleus has the strongest \(g\) field produced by an inner most \(p^{+}\) particle, followed by Type III then Type II nucleus.  If this is the main field that interacts with Earth's gravitational field, giving the nucleus weight then Type I nucleus is the heaviest, followed by Type III then Type II.

Type I hydrogen will also be most heat conductive with \(T^{+}\) particles at the outermost orbit.  Type II hydrogen nucleus behave more like a positive charge.  And Type III hydrogen nucleus in spin is a magnetic dipole.

Good night.