Friday, March 25, 2016

Partial Cancellation of Weak Fields

The problem with spinning particles at the nucleus is that the field generated are uni-directional as oppose to emanating radially from point source.  This means that such weaker fields can be made to cancel partially or even completely in a solid lattice.  In the case of gravitational fields for example, partially cancelling these fields in a lattice make the element lighter (less measured mass under Earth's gravity), or equivalently, more dense (more atoms/nuclei in the lattice) given mass.

Some elements then can weigh less but have greater density.

Some elements feels cold others hot.

Some elements are magnetic others not.

Some elements are conductive of electricity others not.

Many physical properties will depend on the interactions of these three weak fields (electric, gravitational and temperature/magnetic) generated as the result of particle spins.

Good Morning.