Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Building Them Up...

We have seen previously (post "Alpha Decay" dated 29 Mar 2016), that the weak fields generated by spinning positive particles can interact and cancels each other.  Each of such weak field generated by a particle holds onto another positive particle which in turn generates a weak field.  The nucleus is build up in layers of positive particles.  The nucleus is complete when it acquires negative particles that neutralizes the positive particles.  Does the weak field (positive end) acquires the negative particle or does the spinning positive particle acquires the negative particle?

In the case of Hydrogen molecules, \(H_2\),

the electron is shared by a weak field and a positive particle across two hydrogen atoms.  The two electrons are furthest apart from each other, across the orbit of the positive particle.  All the orbital planes of corresponding positive particles of the two nuclei are in parallel, which allows the two other types of negative particle to be shared in a similar way.

The negative particles are held in place by both a weak field and a positive particle.  The negative particle spins in an orbit around the positive particle slightly displaced by the weak field.

The situation is much more complex as we double the number of positive particles to twelve and set the paired orbits as far apart as possible, orthogonal to each other,

In this way, the positive particle as furthest apart from each other. And as we double the nucleus again, we have the SunFlower atom (that don't exist),

These are the cases where the orbits intersect as more hydrogen nuclei are added.  It is possible that the next tuple (\(g^{+}\), \(T^{+}\), \(p^{+}\)) are added beyond the first \(p^{+}\),

in which case all nuclei from such a series have a Hydrogen-2 nucleus core.  And Neon, \(Ne\) is

and a Carbon, \(C\) nucleus is,

and Oxygen, \(O\),

and Lithium with an unpaired electron in orbit \(Li\) is,

but it is more likely that \(Li\) has equal orbits.

And Beryllium \(Be\),

It's symmetrical shape and paired orbital electrons might account for its relative stability.

And Nitrogen, \(N\) with an unpaired electron in orbit is,

And the list goes on...

Have a Sun Flower day.