Thursday, March 24, 2016

Personal Time Travel Device And Nostradamus Watching TV

From the previous post "When Time Is Slow With A Big Brinjal" dated 20 Mar 2016, it is then possible to generate high value of \(\psi\) by colliding specific particles at specific orientations.  As \(\psi\) collapses, a time force is generated that allows time travel.

The direction of travel, forward or backward depends on the second order change in \(\psi\), as suggested in the post "My Dream, Time Travel And Temperature Particles" dated 7 Dec 2014.

Which bring us to the story of Nostradamus.  His dwelling was supposed to be now, a glass workshop
with a high temperature furnace.  This furnace has many colliding particles generating high \(\psi\) particles that can be sent back in time.  Could it be possible, that he obtained his visions of the future by looking into the direction of the furnace of the future?  The furnace sends images possibly from a TV, from the future, into his view.

In the same delusion that I can explain everything, I shall next explain crystal balls.

Til next time...