Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Temperature Dependence

Opposite temperature particles attracts each other, like electron and proton subjected to the light speed limit,  they orbit around each other.  When in circular motion, the pair \((T^{-},\,T^{+})\) produces an electric field and a gravitational field.  The field due to the more massive positive particle, in a narrow spin is a strong field.  The field due to the negative particle in a wide orbit is a weak field.  This comparison is across other particle pairs producing similar fields.

It is because of the presence of these fields, especially the electric field, that we see a temperature dependence of many physical properties of materials, for example, spectra lines production, ionization, electrical noise,...etc.

In a similar way, the coupled gravity particle pair \((g^{-},\,g^{+})\) produces an electric field and a magnetic field and the pair \((e^{-},\,p^{+})\) produces a gravitational field and a magnetic field.

Through these fields, ambient changes in one field effects the other two.  For example, an increase in temperature changes electrical properties.

Why spectral lines are produced at high temperature?  What have temperature got to do with electromagnetic energy levels in the first place?  Why would an increase in temperature impart electromagnetic energy onto an electron?  This is especially poignant when \(t_T\) is orthogonal to \(t_c\).

Never bothered to ask did you?  Have a nice day.