Saturday, July 4, 2015

Entanglement In Public

Based on the first instance of entanglement in the previous two posts "The big Freeze" and "Particle Entanglement, Pair And Apple" dated 4 Jul 2015,

An EMW onto a strong magnet; and an corresponding EMW emanating from another strong magnet far far away.

Unfortunately, the entanglement process that make this possible is not straight forward because the energy involved is the oscillatory energy not directly accessible.  We need a third particle \(g^{-}\) to bridge the entanglement and it is this twice entangled process that makes this mode of spying possible.

The electron on the top right, in the magnet, is excited by the incoming EMW.  Its entanglement with a \(g^{+}\) changes energy along \(t_T\) of that particle and so changes \(\psi\) around it too.  An orbiting opposite particle, \(g^{-}\) around \(g^{+}\) is influenced by \(\psi\) around both particles.  Changes due to the incoming EMW propagates to \(g^{-}\).  \(g^{-}\) is entangled to an \(T^{+}\) particle of a magnet situated at a distance away.

This second entanglement is the instantaneous spooky action over a great distance that provides immediate communication.

At the other magnet, \(T^{+}\) changing \(\psi\) effects another bounded pair of gravity particles through energy along \(t_T\).  \(g^{+}\) of the gravity particle pair through entanglement changes \(\psi\) of \(e^{-}\) and that drives an EMW out from the magnet situated at a distance.

Convoluted hearsay, as if I know this happened at the White House using a device hidden in a tablet held under the arm.

Spying anyone?