Thursday, July 16, 2015

Phonons Particles and Phonon Photons

Hey these may be phonons,

in this wave/particle model.  These may be responsible for Brownian Motion.  These particles were assigned as charges, temperature and gravity particles previously, which was wrong.

These must not be dismissed as mere mechanical waves,

there are linear mechanical wave effective only within their time dimension of existence.  A \(t_c\) particle does not effect a \(t_T\) particle, and so on...These are the photons equivalent for phonons, but they are not standing waves wrap around a particle center, they are linear waves.  They do not carry oscillating energy along any time dimension and so, will not change potential energies, but carry kinetic energy oscillating between two orthogonal directions, (in space).

Such wave bouncing from boundary to boundary will excite the units of a lattice into periodic motion.  A wave for charge exclusively, a wave for temperature particles and a wave for gravity particles.