Saturday, July 25, 2015

Polarization And Invisibility

On closer inspection,

only solutions with \(v^2=0\) at \(x=x_z\) are admissible in the post "Twirl Plus SHM, Spinning Coin" date 17 Jul 2015.

\(\theta\) could be polarization measured from the vertical.  Photons emission/absorption occurs at \(x=x_z\), at the center of the \(\psi\) cloud.

What if \(\theta\) can be tuned, at 45o, the factor,

\(1-\sqrt{\cfrac{sin(\theta)}{cos(\theta)}}=0\)   and


when \(\theta=45^o\),

does the particle also vanishes?  It is no longer emitting nor absorbing photons.