Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Spin First Run Later

From the post "No Solution But Exit Velocity Anyway" dated 14 Jun 2015,

\(\cfrac { d^{ 2 }x }{ dt^{ 2 } } =\cfrac { 1 }{ m }  \psi _{ c }  -{ \cfrac { u }{ \psi _{ c }+u }  }\cfrac { 1 }{ e^{ u }\left( { e^{ 2u }-1 } \right) ^{ 1/2 } } (\cfrac { dx }{ dt } )^{ 2 }\) ---(*)


\(u=ln(cosh(x-\cfrac { x_{ a } }{ 2 } ))\)  and

\(\psi_c=\psi _{ n }-\psi_{max}\)

A graph of the math components in the expression is,

We see that all components are positive, given

\(\psi_c=\psi _{ n }-\psi_{max}\gt0\)

\(v_{max}\) is complex when

\(\cfrac { 1 }{ m }  \psi _{ c }-\cfrac { d^{ 2 }x }{ dt^{ 2 } } \lt0\)


this velocity will be in the \(ix\) direction; rotated from\(+x\) by \(\cfrac{\pi}{2}\), anticlockwise.

This can happen when the particle is accelerated further by other factors, a positive temperature particle , a charge, a \(B\) field, etc.  The original differential equation will have an additive component that increases acceleration that is independent of \(\psi_n\) but adds energy to the particle,

\(\cfrac { d^{ 2 }x }{ dt^{ 2 } }+A_{other}=\cfrac { 1 }{ m }  \psi _{ c } -{ \cfrac { u }{ \psi _{ c }+u }  }\cfrac { 1 }{ e^{ u }\left( { e^{ 2u }-1 } \right) ^{ 1/2 } } (\cfrac { dx }{ dt } )^{ 2 }\)

\(\cfrac { d^{ 2 }x }{ dt^{ 2 } }+A_{other}\) is the total acceleration of the particle.  If on impact of a photon.

\(\cfrac { 1 }{ m }  \psi _{ c }-\cfrac { d^{ 2 }x }{ dt^{ 2 } }-A_{other} \lt0\)

The particle at zero velocity, first goes into a spin, with a velocity component perpendicular to the original direction \(x\), then starts to accelerate along \(x\) as the term \(\cfrac { d^{ 2 }x }{ dt^{ 2 } }\) decreases.

In the case when the particle approaches light speed \(c\) with a very large \(A_{other}\) however, drag due to a space as a very light medium or drag due to entanglement that shares energy with the particle introduces a subtractive component to the original expression,

\(\cfrac { d^{ 2 }x }{ dt^{ 2 } }+A_{other}-D_{other}=\cfrac { 1 }{ m }  \psi _{ c } -{ \cfrac { u }{ \psi _{ c }+u }  }\cfrac { 1 }{ e^{ u }\left( { e^{ 2u }-1 } \right) ^{ 1/2 } } (\cfrac { dx }{ dt } )^{ 2 }\)

\(D_{other}\) increases with increasing velocity such that at \(v_{max}=c\),


\(\cfrac { 1 }{ m }  \psi _{ c }-\cfrac { d^{ 2 }x }{ dt^{ 2 } }-\cancelto{0}{(A_{other}-D_{other}) }\lt0\)

The particle spins at \(c\) then accelerate along \(x\).

Other energy input to the particle receiving a photon, results in spin until the expression,

\(\cfrac { 1 }{ m }  \psi _{ c }-\cfrac { d^{ 2 }x }{ dt^{ 2 } }-A_{other} \lt0\)

turns positive with decreasing \(\cfrac { d^{ 2 }x }{ dt^{ 2 } }\).

(*) is a state equation, given \(\cfrac{d^2x}{dt^2}\) and \(\cfrac { 1 }{ m }  \psi _{ c }\), if  the expression, \(\cfrac { 1 }{ m }  \psi _{ c }-\cfrac { d^{ 2 }x }{ dt^{ 2 } }\) is negative, velocity switches to the orthogonal direction.

This is very odd, when velocity and acceleration is perpendicular to each other, as odd as circular motion!


where \(r\) is the radius of the spin from which we may obtain an expression for \(r\),

\(r=\cfrac{1}{\cfrac {  \psi _{ c } }{ m v^2}  -{ \cfrac { u }{ \psi _{ c }+u }  }\cfrac { 1 }{ e^{ u }\left( { e^{ 2u }-1 } \right) ^{ 1/2 } }}\)

Have a nice day.