Saturday, July 4, 2015

Particle Entanglement, Pair And Apple

Oscillatory energy shows up in spin/rotation at the atomic level, during collisions and traveling in a helical path down a coil.

What of the dimension at which the wave is at light speed?  Entanglement!  (cf. post "Entanglement, Temperature And Divorce" dated 5 Dec 2014)

However,  this implies that an entangled pair is really an odd couple anti-neutrino and an electron...

These are not photons created at the same time; these are not matter and anti-matter pairs; but \(\psi\) in \(t_T\) around both particles share the same value and the \(x\)s are independent of each other.

Conveniently, these can be stationary particles.

The trick by magic is to realize that the pair is at the same spot in time \((t_c,\,t_g,\,t_T)\) when they are entangled.

There is a use for the parallel universe! (cf. post "Pure Time Waves, Space-Time Parallel World" dated 1 Feb 2015)