Friday, July 10, 2015

The Diode and Boltzmann

What if it is possible to increase or decrease \(\psi\) at when \(\psi=0\)?  When "nothing" (\(\psi=0\)), is travelling down \(t_c\) or \(t_g\) at light speed, what can be done to "nothing"?

\(r_{q_T}\) used in the post "Broken Boltzmann Constant" could it be \(a_{\psi}\) the radius of \(\psi\)?  That the radius of the partial charge is the radius of \(\psi\) around the temperature particle?

Since the spin axis of the particle is also in motion and the complete electric field around the particle is the time average of spin and the motion of the spin axis. Strictly,

\(r_{q_T}\le a_{\psi}\)

Does it matter?  Yes, this serves as an upper bound on the value of \(r_{q_T}\).  Lower values of \(r_{q_T}\) will result in higher values of \(k_B\).


\(k_B=n_{T}\cfrac{\alpha^2_{q_T}q^2}{4\pi\varepsilon_o r_{q_{T}}}\cfrac{1}{K_{q_T}}\)

from the post "Broken Boltzmann Constant",  it is possible to change \(k_B\) by changing \(n_{T}\).  We do so by popping temperature particles with their corresponding photons (just like the photoelectric effect) or allow photons to be captured as temperature particles by slowing the photons down.

\(V_T\) of a diode will then change as \(k_B\) changes.  All other fractured parts can be experimented with by observing their effects on the \(V_T\) of a diode.

Is \(n_T\) the emission coefficient, \(n\) in the diode equation?


Maybe?  There are other fractured parts in \(k_B\), including \(N\) that we set to one, \(N=1\) for an abrupt junction one n-p thick.