Wednesday, July 29, 2015

It's All Fluorescence Outside, Inside

In the case of a laser with internal mirror both peaks in the fluorescence response are set oscillating.  They constitute the two orthogonal modes of the laser.

In the case of a laser with external mirror, only the higher intensity left emission peak on the fluorescence response (right arm on the \(v^2\) vs \(x\) curve) is set oscillating.  The low intensity right emission peak decayed.  Only one mode is in the output of the laser.

This suggests \(\theta\) is polarization.



negative \(\theta\) is equivalent to positive \(\theta\).

As the particle performs circular motion, \(x_d\) rotates along the perimeter of the circle.  When we hold \(x_d\) fixed,

the particle performs circular motion in a rotating circle whose diameter traces the slant surface of a cone.  The particle is always on \(x_d\); the circular path rotates at an incline \(\theta\) to the direction of \(x_d\), \(PO\).  \(PO\) is the direction of incident.

This way,


If particle has energy oscillating in the orthogonal dimension, \(t_c\) (eg. \(g^{+}\),  \(T^{+}\)), the particle in circular motion creates an \(E\) field given by the right hand screw rule.  This field rotates as the circle rotates, and always makes an angle of \(\small{90^o-\theta}\) with \(PO\).  This rotating \(E\) field does not mean circular polarization.  Polarization as detected by rotating a polarizer in front of a laser is \(\theta\).

This rotating \(E\) field is consistent with the rotating dipole model from which we have,

\(B=i\cfrac{\partial\,E}{\partial x}\)

from the post "Whacko and the Free Photons" dated 30 May 2014.

The \(E\) field is always rotating given non zero \(\theta\).  When \(\theta=90^o\), \(E\) is parallel to \(PO\).  From,



In this case, the particle travels along \(PO\) with circular motion.  At the center \(O\), the particle is in circular motion but with \(v_{shm}\approx 0\).  The particle no longer oscillate.  Emission at \(\small{E_p\to\infty}\) occurs only once.

We are assuming that all forces on the particle are finite as such,


\(x_c\to 0\),    \(v_{cir}\to 0\)  as  \(\theta\to90^o\), for \(F_{cir}\) finite.