Sunday, July 12, 2015

They Are All Here!

If the orbital clouds are temperature particles, then both positive and negative temperature particles are present at all temperature.

We would have a dominant diamagnetic pole but not a singular magnetic pole.   At negative temperature, diamagnetism need not be \(S\) pole only, but must be dominant \(S\) pole.

And this model is saved.  More catwalk!

Furthermore, a positive temperature particle spins an approaching electron anti-clockwise and a negative temperature particle spins an approaching electron clockwise.  This means at positive temperature there is a anti-clockwise electron spin bias and at negative temperature, a clockwise electron spin bias.  Rotation sense is taken as, of an approaching electron in helical motion.


The separated positive and negative temperature particles clouds implies that magnetic moment of electron(s) in orbit is greater than the attraction between opposite temperature particles.

However the presence of temperature particles masks the magnetic moment of electron(s) in orbit.  As the number of temperature particles increases (extreme hot or extreme cold), the magnetic moment of electron(s) in orbit reduces.  Paramagnetism should also decrease with increasing negative temperature.  And supermagnetism is when diamagnetism (magnetism due to temperature particles) adds to paramagnetism (magnetism due to orbiting electrons) at temperature near to zero temperature (zero temperature particles, in the case of water 3.98oC).

In this model, the definitions of diamagnetism and paramagnetism have been changed.  It is also not necessary to have fractured magnetic domains in the materials.

At this point moving temperature particles in and out of the orbital clouds and the residual particles in the orbital clouds can account for hysteresis encountered in magnetism and variations in magnetic moments over discrete regions of the material (magnetic domains).

More importantly, as the temperature particles mask the magnetic moments, we have a more appropriate explanation for Curie temperature, a material specific temperature at which the magnetic material loses its magnetic property.  Higher temperature, more temperature particles, bigger orbital clouds, greater reduction in magnetic moments of the orbiting electrons (more masking).  At Curie temperature, the magnetic moments are reduced to zero.  No electron spin involved.