Thursday, September 25, 2014

Nature Of Energy, Mistaken Identity, Photon≠Quantum

There is a problem, not that this crazy idea seem to contradict the fact that green light reflects off a white surface green and that a red light reflects off the same white surface red and so color depends on illumination instead.  This contradiction is easy resolved by going more crazy,  that photon and electron interaction goes beyond the valence shell and interact within other electrons as well.  Each  different \(r_e\)  will have its own different kink point and a different associated band gap.  Thus emitting a different quantum and so a different color.  When all primary colors (RGB) are present, the element/material is white.

In the case of a white surface, it is likely that the different atoms of the molecules that constitute the material have different colored quantum all interacting with the incident photons at the same time.  The emitted quanta are of all primary colors of light, RGB; combined and we have white.  When a green light alone is shone on the surface, only the electrons at the appropriate  \(r_e\) and the associated  \(r_e\)  vs  \(T\)  profile and band gap are affected.  The quanta emitted will be green.

The real problem is,  these emitted quanta are pure energy, whereas photons were modeled as spinning dipoles.

Are energy quanta dipoles?  The glaring fact is, photon is not the quantum.  The packet of energy emitted, is the result of an electron transition across the band gap because of a passing photon.  It is not the photon itself.