Monday, September 29, 2014

Hot Photons And Hot Electrons And Light Speed

Photons and electron interact at a distance and are mutually repulsive but their interaction may not be electrostatic.  Consider both force/motion equations that keep the particles in circular motion,

\(\cfrac { m_{ e }v^{ 2 } }{ r_{ e } } =\cfrac { q^{ 2 } }{ 4\pi \varepsilon _{ o }r^{ 2 }_{ e } } +Av^{ 2 }\)    for electrons


\(\cfrac{m_pc^2}{r_p}=Ac^2\)    for photon

where  \(A\)  is the drag factor of space at high speed.

We see that if  \(A\)  were to decrease both  \(r_p\)  and  \(r_e\)  can increase.  It was postulated that high temperature thin out space reducing space density and that gravity is the result of differing space density.  Gravity points from region of less dense space to more dense space and so, a hot region of low space density has a gravity component pointing outwards.  The drag factor is inversely proportion to space density.  Therefore a consistent view is that the drag factor decreases with high temperature, and there is a thermal gravitational force pointing away from low drag factor region.

What if the photon is very hot?  What if the electron is also very hot?

As the two particles approach each other a hot region develops between them, the drag factor  \(A\) decreases at the same time a thermal gravitational field develops pointing outwards from this hot region.  Both factors serve to increase \(r_p\)  and  decreases  \(r_e\),  the respective radii of the circular path of photon and electron.

The two particles are pushed away from each other and it seems, their interaction is repulsive; this is not electrostatic.

Given that a hot region has a lower space density, then gravitational forces pull a hot particle outwards due the region of less density space around it.  Under normal circumstances the forces are symmetrical around the particle and there is no net acceleration.  However when the particle is in motion in space with a high drag factor, then it is reasonable to imagine that a region of denser space builds up before the the particle in the direction of travel.

And a net acceleration develops in the direction of travel.  Given low mass and high temperature,  it is possible that the particle is self propelling.   Once again we have light speed!  This would also explain why such hot particles are always in motion; the slightest velocity sends the particle accelerating to light speed.

Have a nice day.