Tuesday, September 30, 2014

No Charge But Thermal Gravity To The Rescue

The problem with an expression like,

\(F_{ h }=Fsin(\theta )=\cfrac { q_{ p }q }{ 4\pi \varepsilon _{ o }r^{ 2 } } sin(\theta )\)

from the post "Not This Way", is that  \(q_p\) don't exist.

Even if the photon is a dipole, its net charge from afar is zero.

There is one other possibility, that is for the matter-antimatter annihilation process to be slow.  That popular literature on explosive matter/anti-matter reaction may not be true.  Take the case of a hydrogen atom,  when the electron collide into the proton nucleus,

the rate of annihilation along the charge-time line is,

\(E_a=\cfrac { d\, q }{ dt } =\cfrac { \, d(q_{ pr }+q_{ e }) }{ dt } =\cfrac { dm }{ dt } =\cfrac { \, d(m_{ pr }+m_{ e }) }{ dt } \)

And  \(E_a\)  is slow.  The reside charge on each of the particles forms a dipole and the energy released from  \(E=mc^2\) make this both a very hot particle and a electric dipole.  This is a  \(H\) plasma particle,  \(p_p\),  that is experiencing a observable decay.  What would its decay half life,  \(p_pT\) be?  This hot dipole is a likely candidate for photon, both mechanisms for acceleration to light speed/terminal speed (as a dipole or hot particle) can apply to this particle.

Moreover since,

\(\cfrac { \, d(q_{ pr }+q_{ e }) }{ dt } =\cfrac { \, d(m_{ pr }+m_{ e }) }{ dt } \)

we have a charge mass equivalence,

\(\int^0_{q_{ pr }+q_{ e }}{1.}d\,q=\int^{m_{ pr }-m_{ e }}_{m_{ pr }+m_{ e }}{1.}d\,m\)

\(-(q_{pr}+q_{e})=-2m_{e}\)  and  \(q_{pr}=q_{e}\)

we should have,


the resulting neutral hot particle has mass  \(m_{pr}-m_{e}\) , likely a neutron.  In this instance, both mass and charge are treated as inertia whether they are on the positive or negative time line.  We also have,


that all the positive charge in a proton is from a mass of  \(m_e\).

It is more likely,

\(q_{e}=M_cm_{e}\)  where  \(M_c\)  is a scaling factor that also adjust for unit dimension, ie  charge per unit mass, C kg-1.