Tuesday, June 2, 2015

When Sparks Fly And Jump

I was thinking,

The magnetic fluid or ferro fluid, circulates in the piping, conducts heat from the grid to the cooling reservoir where heat is removed by applying a sinusoidal B field that solidifies the mass temporarily at every peak value.  This "freezing" squeeze the heat out of the fluid at the reservoir; a postulation that needs to be proved.  The heat that is removed, may be,

Intuitively, collisions among the ferro nano-particle provides the energy oscillating between \(x_1\) and \(x_2\) and the heat removed is captured (conceptually) as momentum along \(t_T\), the velocity of the wave.  This wave can travel in the third space dimension, \(x_3\), at speed less then \(c\).  This momentum along the third space dimension is also part of the momentum change as the result of collisions between particles.  Note that such heat wave might be charged (existing along \(t_c\)) or has weight (existing along \(t_g\)).

The other possibilities from collisions are,

Pairs of waves carrying electric potentials and gravitational potentials.

Speculatively yours.

Yes, these waves can be used to explain electric sparks and jumps and indents when billiards collide.