Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Sunshine and Proton Beam Corrected

This post corrects the post "Sunshine and Proton Beam" dated 23 May 2015.

Both these particles impart electric potential energy,

This electric potential is in \(\psi\) around the particles that exist in the \(t_c\) time dimension.  Which is an electron and which is a proton?

A bold guess is that electron that also carries heat and has low mass is the right particle and proton is the left particle, where \(t_g\) manifest itself perpendicular to two parallel, current carrying wires.

What's is the difference between existing in the \(t_c\) time dimension, as in the case of the electron, and being a wave along \(t_c\), as like a positive gravity particle, \(g^{+}\)?

They are not equivalent.

Energy in the wave can be dissipated and reduced, the particle still exist.  Energy that marks the particle existence (\(E=mc^2\)) cannot be dissipated, the particle disappears from existence if that happens.

The space dimensions are curled along the time dimensions \(t_c\).  When we align the two waves such that the time dimensions, \(t_g\) and \(t_T\) are parallel, we find that \(x\) for the case of electron is going down \(-x\) with respect to the proton's \(+x\) axis.  This is consistent with the fact that the charges have opposite force fields.

If this model is true, then electron give heat but not gravitational potential energy and proton gives gravitation potential energy but not heat; in addition to the electrical fields around them.  Energy along \(t_g\) or \(t_T\), that is the kinetic energy of the wave, is extracted by collisions.

We have a probelm!!!

If heat is lost as the result of a change in momentum along the time axis at which the wave is at light speed, ie \(t_T,\,\,v=c\), then we have made a mistake in particle sign assignment.  The focus is not on the dimension with oscillatory energy but the the dimension along which the wave is at light speed.

The new particle assignment is then,

If this is true then in circular motion, the energy component that manifest itself is also in the dimension of the wave at light speed.

What happens to the oscillatory energy component?  \(\psi\) defines the particle.  The existence of \(\psi\) makes it both a particle and a wave.  As long as the particle exist, \(\psi\) remains.

I love it!