Tuesday, June 30, 2015

What The Weak Fields?

In the posts "We Still Have A Problem" and "Less Mass But No Theoretical Mass" dated 23 Nov 2014, from the solutions for \(F\) and \(\psi\), we wrote down an expression for mass density of a particle with reference to the total energy released when the particle is annihilated.

\(m_{\rho\,particle} c^2=m_\rho c^2-\int^{x_a}_{0}{\psi}dx\)

This expression shows that the KE of the particle along space and real time \(t\),

\(m_{\rho\,particle} c^2\),

added to the total energy in \(\psi\),

\(m_{\rho\,particle} c^2+\int^{x_a}_{0}{\psi}dx\)

also manifested in space and time \(t\), is equal to

\(m_{\rho\,particle} c^2+\int^{x_a}_{0}{\psi}dx=m_\rho c^2\)

the KE of the particle along time \(t_c\), \(t_g\) or \(t_T\).  This is just a restatement of the conservation of energy across dimensions which we assume to be true.

The greater the extend of \(\psi\) in space, the smaller its mass in space and real time \(t\) is.

Also based on the solution for \(F\) and \(\psi\), a negative force \(F\) requires that \(\psi\) extends further from the origin.  In this way, a particle with an attractive force field around it must have lower mass.  We concluded that,

\(m_{\rho\,e}\lt m_{\rho\,po}\)

an electron has less mass than a positive charge.   And in general, a negative particle has less mass than a positive particle.  So, when a negative particle in bounded by a positive particle at terminal velocity \(c\) (space is a thin fluid with viscosity), the negative particle will transcribe a bigger circular motion than the more massive positive particle.  In the case when the positive particle is much more massive, the negative particle orbits around the positive particle.  The positive particle is in a slow spin.

Since both particles are spinning, both oscillatory components in the negative and positive particle will manifest themselves.  In the case of temperature particles, \((T^{-},\,T^{+})\), they are an electric field and a gravitational field.  In the case of gravity particles, \((g^{-},\,g^{+})\), they are an electric field and a magnetic field \((B=T)\).  In the case of charges, \((e^{-},\,p^{+})\), they are a gravitational field and a magnetic field.

Although this energy oscillating along an orthogonal time dimension is aligned, the axes of the spin and rotation of the particles are not stationary, as a result, these fields generated are "weak" fields.

It is like a particle along a helical path generating a field given by the right hand screw rule, except this coiled path is rotating randomly.  The generated field around such motion is oscillatory and varying, and so a "weak" field.

The generated fields associated with the more massive spinning positive particles are more stable (more stable axis of rotation) and are comparatively stronger although still oscillatory.

Are these the strong and weak fields scientists talk about in particle physics?