Thursday, June 25, 2015

What is Color?

From the previous post it was proposed that the temperature particles are trapped in the vicinity of an atom/nucleus where the \(\psi\)s are equal.

Photons with its \(\psi_p\) can also be trapped in the vicinity of an atom/nucleus where its \(\psi_p\)s are equal to the \(\psi_{nucleus}\) around the nucleus.

This is color!

When such photons are illuminated by a board spectrum light, they are freed from the nucleus and are ejected, by a process similar to the photoelectric effect.  The board spectrum illumination contains frequencies higher than the photons' threshold frequencies,


where \(h_p\) is the equivalent Planck's constant, \(f\), the frequency of the illumination, \(\psi_p\), energy density of the photon in orbit and \(\Phi_p\), the work function (energy density) represents the amount of energy acquired by the photons when they are ejected.

So, red photons in orbit around the nucleus will make the material appear red when they are ejected.

And so there be colors.