Monday, June 29, 2015

How Much Further Still Can Gravity Particles Go?

Let's look at different modes of beta decay from a gravity particles perspective.  Much of this is taken from the page

1.   β− decay:

A nucleus emits an electron and an electron anti-neutrino (A, Z + 1)

Occurs in the nucleus, at a hydrogen particle, \((e^{-},\,g^{-},\,g^{+})\).  \(g^{+}\) is first ejected as the electron anti-neutrino, the particle loses its positive charge, the electron is freed and the photon that ejects \(g^{+}\) is captured. The proton pair \((g^{-},\,g^{+})\) forms up resulting in an increment to Z.

2.   Positron emission (β+ decay):

A nucleus emits a positron and an electron neutrino (A, Z − 1)

Occurs in the nucleus, at a hydrogen particle, \((e^{-},\,g^{-},\,g^{+})\).  \(g^{-}\) and \(g^{+}\) are both ejected.  \(g^{-}\) with its small oscillatory energy along \(t_c\) is detected as a positive electric charge.  \(g^{+}\) is also the electron neutrino.

3.   Electron capture:

A nucleus captures an orbiting electron and emits a neutrino; the daughter nucleus is left in an excited unstable state (A, Z − 1)

The nucleus captures a \(P_{g^+}\) photon of high energy, the photon slows emitting gamma rays in the process and excites an existing \(g^{+}\) particle.  The photon becomes a fast moving \(g^{+}\) particle.  Together with a \(g^{-}\), they form an extra proton pair \((g^{-},\,g^{+})\) that pull an electron from a low lying orbit.  However, this proton pair is unstable and break apart as the passing particle/photon moves on.  The excited \(g^{+}\) particle having gained enough energy as the photon approached, is emitted as a neutrino, as the photon passes.  The atomic number is reduced by one.

4.   Bound state beta decay:

A free neutron or nucleus beta decays to electron and anti-neutrino, but the electron is not emitted, as it is captured into an empty K-shell; the daughter nucleus is left in an excited and unstable state. This process is a minority of free neutron decays (0.0004%) due to the low energy of hydrogen ionization, and is suppressed except in ionized atoms that have K-shell vacancies. (A, Z + 1)

As with β− decay.  Subsequent fate of the electron does not involve any basic particle.

5.   Double beta decay:

A nucleus emits two electrons and two anti-neutrinos (A, Z + 2)

Two times β− decay.  Please refer to point 1.

6.   Double electron capture:

A nucleus absorbs two orbital electrons and emits two neutrinos – the daughter nucleus is left in an excited and unstable state (A, Z − 2)

Two times electron capture.  Please refer to point 3.

7.   Electron capture with positron emission:

A nucleus absorbs one orbital electron, emits one positron and two neutrinos (A, Z − 2)

As with electron capture in point 3, with the additional emission of a \((g^{-},\,g^{+})\) pair from the nucleus.  This could happen when the approaching photon is of high energy.

8.   Double positron emission:

A nucleus emits two positrons and two neutrinos (A, Z − 2)

Two times β+ decay.  Please refer to point 2.

Neutrinos and anti-neutrinos are the same \(g^{+}\) particles.