Thursday, June 25, 2015

A Weaker \(S\) Pole!

This is how the temperature particles are separated,

How do I know which is which, gravity (\(t_g\)) is prevalent around us, whereas electric field (\(t_c\)) is much weaker, in transient.  \(\psi\) in \(t_g\) will be comparatively low in a higher ambiance of gravity around us, this I associate with the weaker \(S\) pole.

No harm dreaming out loud.

Furthermore, if Curie temperature is analogous to threshold frequency then we have,


where \(h_T\) is a normalized Planck's constant, \(T_{cu}\) is Curie temperature and \(\psi_T\) is energy density.

Energy density is not the same as energy.  Energy density is more appropriate here as we are dealing with infinitely small point particles.

If we allow a \(B\) field to replace the stopping voltage,


where \(T\ge T_{cu}\) and the work function \(\Phi_T\ge0\).

Just like photoelectric effect.

In this case, the temperature particle of \(\psi_T\) resides in the vicinity of the atom where,


where \(\psi_{atom}\) is the energy density around the atom, ie the energy densities of the two entities matches up.

Where the loci of \(\psi_{atom}=constant\) is circular, then the temperature particle is in circular orbit around the atom, along a particular locus of \(\psi_{atom}\).

If this is insanity, mine comes in a set menu.  A buffet of madness.