Tuesday, June 30, 2015

The Origin Of Earth's Magnetic Field

Is earth a \(g^{+}\) or \(g^{-}\) particle?

Earth is a spinning \(g^{+}\) particle with a magnetic North pole.  A spinning \(g^{-}\) particle will generate an electric field pointing upwards, instead.  These are based on the new particle assignment in the post "Sunshine and Proton Beam Corrected" dated 01 Jul 2015.

If the field generated when the particle is in circular motion, is due to the oscillating energy component of the wave, then the first sign assignment was right.  Earth is then a spinning \(g^{-}\) particle.

In both cases, the spinning gravity particle generates a magnetic North pole.

Since Earth has negative gravitation potential energy, the origin sign assignment is more efficacious.  But our definition of a negative potential well, that zero gravitational potential is at a point infinitely far is arbitrary, and without sight of an opposite gravity particle.

\(\psi\) is pulsating, a field as the result of aligning \(\psi\) will also be oscillating.  Is earth magnetic field pulsing at \(7.489 Hz\)?  A field as the result of aligning the light speed dimension of the wave will not be oscillating.  For a point particle, \(\psi\) will be oscillating at high frequency (\(\sim PHz\)).

What is Schumann Resonance?