Sunday, June 21, 2015

Tropical Santa Claus

But a \(N\) pole is not hot?

Neither is the \(S\) pole hot.

\(p_{tT}(t_g,x,t_c)\) particles carry gravitational potential energy.  At the end where such particles reside, the material will also have higher gravitational potential energy.  This would mean, as a whole, the CG of the material will shift away from this end.

\(p_{tT}(t_c,x,t_g)\) particles carry electric potential energy.  At this end, the material will be as if positively charged.

Paradoxically, neither types of particle carries \(t_T\) potential energy that would set up a temperature gradient and cause a flow of heat.  (This is not true.  The wave as a whole carries temperature potential energy.  But in this case, the component characteristics of the wave show through instead.)

At this point we are in danger of playing with words.  Fiction all this may be, but physics is not a play of words, neither is logic.

Maybe charges should be particles that have energy oscillating in the \(t_c\) dimensions, instead of existing in the \(t_c\) dimension.  And so, temperature particle have energy oscillating in \(t_T\) and not the wave itself existing in \(t_T\).  In either way, the six particles pair up into three sets nicely all the same.

But, we started with the notion that charges are charges because they exist in charge time, \(t_c\) and since they are along the same time line they are able to interact so.  At the same time however, a charge provides an electric potential around it.  And so, a temperature particle must also provide a temperature energy potential.  The problem is, in 3D space, \(t_c\), \(t_g\) and \(t_T\) are not differentiated; all particles interact in general time, \(t\).

As a whole, the particle waves manifest the characteristic of the time dimension in which they exist.  So a charge is a particle that exist in charge time, \(t_c\) and provides an electric potential.  However, the wave component properties can manifest themselves under special circumstances.  When the wave is destroyed for example, KE at light speed along that particular dimension is release as energy of that dimension.  The oscillating energy is also release with characteristic of that dimension.  These happens irrespective of the time dimension in which the wave exist.

It was proposed previously, that circular motion is also a special circumstance, under which the oscillating energy present itself with its time dimension characteristics.  For example, a proton in circular motion creates a gravitational field, since its oscillating energy is of \(t_g\) time dimension.  Under the same notion (post "Positively, Glass Rub With Silk" dated 21 Jun 2015), it was proposed then, that \(B\) field is an aligned \(T\) field.  (Temperature can destroy a \(B\) field.)

It would seem that being trapped in a magnetic material also constitute a special circumstance under which the component characteristics of the wave manifest themselves.   This assertion would be consistent with the shift in CG and the slight positive charge potential at the \(N\) pole of the magnet.

Is a magnet slightly hotter than its environment?  If the ability to retain heat is related proportionately to the magnet's ability to retain its magnetic property, this then is consistent with temperature particles being responsible for magnetism.  And that \(B=T\).

This is one sweaty Santa Claus playing with words!