Sunday, June 28, 2015

More Temperature Particles Speculations

Hot air raises, because of collisions with negative temperature particles.  The oscillatory energy in \(t_g\) imparts gravitational potential.  Hot air raises not because it is less dense.

Hot air is also positively charge, because of collisions with positive temperature particles.  The oscillatory energy in \(t_c\) imparts an electric potential.  It is through this electric potential that positive temperature particles in collisions with valence electrons increase the rate of chemical reactions.

The positive charge surrounding a flame is not entirely due to positive ions, otherwise a flame in an \(E\) field will widen equally to both sides of the parallel plates extending the \(E\) field.  In experimental observations, the tip of the flame bends towards the negative plate.  Furthermore, a positive electric potential emanates from a flame.  Combustion by itself should generate equal positive and negative charges, the flame as a whole should be charge neutral.

Our common experience of heat should be both/either temperature particles.  Heat flow is diffusion from higher particle concentration to lower particle concentration.  It is possible that a positive temperature particles pairs up with a negative temperature particle in a solid conductor, like the hydrogen atom.  This paired entity should be more stable and so less "heat like".  When the temperature particles are separated in a solid, they form the opposite poles of a magnet.

In a flame, temperature particles remain separated without pairing.  Under an \(E\) field, the pronounced separation magnify its magnetic property.  Oscillations in the flame observed when it is subjected to an \(E\) field is due to this magnified magnetic property and ambient EMW.

All charged up and floating...magnetic too.